The Food Fusion Potato Festival held at the Chinese Resource Centre was a remarkable celebration of culinary creativity and cultural exchange, highlighting the humble but versatile potato and its diverse culinary uses in both China and Northern Ireland. The festival brought together food enthusiasts, and the culturally curious to explore the fascinating fusion of flavours and techniques that resulted from the intersection of these two distinct cuisines.

Cookery Demonstration:

A central highlight of the festival was the captivating cookery demonstration, where Bonny Cooper of China Connections displayed her expertise in using potatoes in innovative ways. The demonstration provided attendees with valuable insights into the similarities and differences in the culinary traditions of both regions, demonstrating how the humble potato could be transformed into a wide array of mouthwatering dishes including ‘Granny’s Potatoes’ and the totally new way of stir frying potatoes to produce crunchy sweet and sour potato strips.

Bonny demonstrated traditional and modern techniques for incorporating potatoes into Chinese cuisine. The use of the potato in the wetter colder north of china has created an array of dishes from crispy potato pancakes to savory stir-fries and delicate potato dumplings. 

The audience was treated to a both of Bonny’s potato creations that showcased the versatility of the humble spud in Chinese cooking.

Both main traditions in Northern Ireland also value the potato as a staple of their diet. Indeed no other food has such a central place in Irish cuisine and culture both north and south.  Potatoes have been an integral part of Irish cuisine for centuries, with classic Irish potato dishes such as champ, colcannon, boxty, and potato bread, as well the ever popular chips, French fries, wedges and everyones favourite the roasties.  

Cultural Exchange and Collaboration:

The Food Fusion Potato Festival provided a platform for cultural exchange and collaboration between Chinese and Northern Irish chefs, fostering mutual understanding and appreciation for each other’s culinary heritage. Our audience had the opportunity to engage with the chef, learn about different cooking techniques, and gain a deeper appreciation for the cultural significance of the potato in both regions. 

It was a resounding success, bringing together the best of Chinese and Northern Irish culinary traditions in a celebration of food, culture, and innovation.

Recipe cards

Click each recipe card to view larger.